The current pandemic has brought uncertainty and has disrupted many of our short and mid-term plans. Many people have had to make difficult decisions in their families, churches, and the workplace.

The Christian Education Committee recently met to discuss our plans moving forward. After much prayerful consideration, the committee has decided to cancel Camp Westminster for 2020. Given the uncertainty of the situation, scheduling difficulties, and the great financial risks to which the presbytery would be exposed under these circumstances, we believed it best to postpone until next year.

While we are saddened that we may not have the same type of fellowship we look forward to each year, we also realize that God can and will use this for good. As one committee member commented, perhaps we may consider this is a “sabbath year” to let the campground rest that we may resume Camp Westminster next year with even greater vitality.

Blessings in Christ,

Camden BuceyPMW Christian Education Committee
Hope OPC, Grayslake